2020-2021 Apex Australia National Board

national board 2020 - 2021

Welcome to the National Board area. Here you can learn about our Directors, the places in which they live, their various roles and achievements in Apex, personal facts and other information that gives you an insight into who helps guide and make important decisions for our Association.


Bethany Paterson, national PRESIDENT


I have been a member of the Kadina Apex Club since 2011 and have held various club positions including President, Secretary and Newsletter Editor. My father is a life member of Apex and he and his Apexian friends were my childhood heroes. Our club continues their legacy of a health mixture of fun, fellowship and making a tangible difference in the community. When I'm not doing things for Apex I am a clinical psychologist in my own practice, and I have a husband, two sons, 3 step-daughters and 7 grandchildren who call me 'granny'. A place on the National Board gives me the opportunity to give back to the organisation that has given so much to me and my family, and I'm looking forward to making a meaningful contribution at a National level.


  Adam Stewart, national Secretary

I have been an active member of the Toowoomba Apex Club since 2011 and have held a range of roles. Toowoomba Apex Club has had a long history in strong membership numbers and also significant service projects. I have received so much positive benefit from Apex and it is heart-warming to receive thanks from people, particularly when you are serving disadvantaged people in the community. One of my most satisfying achievements was coordinating the Tour of Toowoomba national event, which was the cycling equivalent of the V8 supercars coming to town. I believe that Apex offers a lot to people, particularly around learning how you can give back to your local community, along with the value of learning meeting procedure. I am currently self-employed as the Principal and Senior Financial Adviser at Financial Life and I also serve on boards within my profession. I am very positive about Apex and its future in this country and I believe that with strong leadership on the board we can see Apex not only continue but grow but prosper into a greater future.


 Jared King, national treasurer

This is my second year as treasurer on the National Board. After a challenging 2019/20 year with the Bushfires and Covid-19 I am looking forward to the year ahead under Bethany Paterson and the National board.

In 2010 I was introduced to the Kadina Apex Club by Senior Active, Tim Gross. Once meeting the likes of Neil Sawley, Shane Power and Adam ‘Moose’ May and understanding the benefits of Apex to myself and community I was hooked. Since then I have immersed myself in the world of Apex and the Kadina Apex Club including taking on Regional Communicator, Social Director, Treasurer and President.

I am proud to have been involved in the planning and implementation of the ‘Walk in the Trees’ playground in the Kadina Main Square, another great asset to the town. Being an Apexian has built my confidence, developed my social capability and opened my eyes to what we can do for others locally, nationally and internationally.

I continue to appreciate and enjoy other things in life including my family (Emily, Isabelle and Maddison), camping, baseball, bike riding and fishing.

I anticipate challenges ahead and feel motivated to keep the association moving forward to an even more positive and prosperous future.


              Simon Grant, NATIOnal Special Projects




 Neal Molineaux, national communications


I have been a member of South Wagga Apex since 1997 and been on the National Board since 2014/2015.

I have been around Apex since my youth, and have very fond childhood memories of Apex, what it did for disadvantaged people and the great times I had with other Apex kids, some of whom are still friends to this day. When I was inducted into Apex at age 18, I started to understand that Apex was way more than chopping wood for the old man opposite the pub, annual maintenance trips to the Apex Magic Castle at Smiggins Hole and going on family camps waterskiing. I realised that Apex contributed enormously to well known charities like Guide Dogs, and not only assisted those in our own backyards but in developing countries as well.

Not only has Apex opened my world to something that you would not experience anywhere else, but through the opportunities Apex has provided, I have been able to develop skills I use daily in my current occupation. Without Apex it’s fair to say I wouldn’t be where I am today. I believe Apex has helped build my character and skills, which have allowed me to confidently contribute at both Club and National level. With the skills and lessons learnt through Apex thus far, I look forward to tackling the challenges and continue to guide this great association in the year ahead for the benefit of future Apexians and our Communities.


Leon Budden, National Membership

I joined Apex in Whyalla in 2002 and have been part of the Gawler Apex Club since 2007, I have held a range of positions at a club level such as President, Treasurer and Secretary. The great thing about our club is that we are greater than the sum or our parts and our differences enable us to achieve more. I served as Regional Communicator for Region 12 in 2016-2017. I'm married with two children and I work as a solicitor in my own practice. I enjoy being on National Board as it enables me to support the vision of grass roots clubs. The beauty of Apex is that you can achieve anything you want to, you can decide to raise money and there are people who are willing to help you. Everyone finds meaning in their own way, either through the altruistic service, the friendships made, or the balance between the two.

   Tara Spotswood, Regional Communicator      Coordinator

I joined Apex in 2014 after a difficult period, as well as losing my Event Planning Business due to the Bundaberg 2013 floods. One of my employees had a father who was a life member and lived and breathed Apex. I agreed to attend a meeting, after many invitations, and as they say “the rest is history”. Apex has encouraged me step out of my comfort zone and pushed me to pursue many more ventures both professionally and personally. 

One thing that I have learnt over the past years is that Apex is ‘hands on’ and we need to stay in touch with all of our clubs and fellow Apexians. We are all in this together and are here to help each other become the best we can be. I have been fortunate to travel and visit many Clubs and with the help of my predecessor and mentor Adam Stewart, I aim to keep up the wonderful tradition of road tripping and interclub visits. 

When I am not doing Apex, I am a part time teachers Aid, as well as secretary for my partner’s business. Two children of my own and two step children keep me on my toes, however I would not change any of it. My children do not have many stories that I hear them telling their friends or teachers that do not involve Apex in one way or another.


Craig Martin, Bursary Manager 

I was invited along to Toowoomba Apex in 2008, the same year our club hosted the National Convention, so a month after joining I was driving buses, helping to run events and making new Apex friends from all over the country. I have held many positions in the club including Secretary and President. In 2012 I was District Governor and in 2014 I joined the National Board as the National International Relations Officer. During my time in Apex I have attended overseas conventions, which have been fantastic times and I have created life-long friendships in Australia and all over Asia. I feel fortunate to experience different cultures, often staying in the homes of Apex friends and living like a local. This led me to my position as Bursary Manager. The Overseas Bursary Scheme in the Philippines is now in its 42nd year. With seven clubs in the Philippines assisting currently 32 scholars, the relationship between the two Apex countries continues to grow stronger every year. I look forward to continuing this year on National Board with such an enthusiastic and positive group of Apexians.


Michael Godfrey, Immediate Past President 

I've been a member of the Wongan Hills Apex Club since 2003. Wongan Hills only has 900 people, but have a good hard working group of members who get in and get the job done. I enjoy being on National Board as I'm not scared of responsibility and I like being able to foster people's ideas at a national level. I'm proud to be part of Apex because of everything that we have achieved across the country and around the world.