Apex Global
Apex is originally Australian, but it has successfully spread through out the Asia Pacific region. National Apex bodies in many countries have supported initiatives for positive policy and international relations reasons. Apex is committed to promoting good citizenship across our region and between neighbours.
International Apex activities include:
- Bursary Program in the Philippines
- Bursary Program in Indonesia
- Klang Special School Sheltered Workshop
- Founders Fund Traveller (FFT)
The Overseas Bursary Scheme is an initiative of Apex Australia. It originated 42 years ago by Australian sponsors assisting Filipino scholars to complete high school and University.
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Overseas Work Party - Philippines May 11-22, 2023
| In years gone by, many Apexians from Australia have taken part in Work Parties in other Apex Countries. This a real opportunity to be part of building something in a community whilst experiencing a different culture, making new overseas friends and having great Fun. Apex Australia are joining forces with Apex Philippines led by the Apex Club of San Pablo to construct a school building in a village where the teacher is currently teaching out of his garage. This trip will depart on the 11th of May, 2023 and will start with a travel day, 7 days work party and then head the following weekend for the National Philippines Convention and to help them celebrate 53 years of Apex in the Philippines. Find Out More |