Apex Australia is proud to have successfully run a Bursary Scheme in the Philippines for just over 44 years. Apexians and Apex Clubs sponsor individual scholars to assist with the cost of high school and tertiary education. Apex Clubs in the Philippines have helped to administer this and their club Bursary Officers act as a mentor to the scholars.
2016 saw the start of the Bursary in Lombok, Indonesia. Lombok is unique in that Apex Australia, through the support of individuals, clubs and corporate sponsors assist to place Australian volunteer teachers in a high school in Mataram. The teachers play a large role in assisting with English comprehension and pronunciation, with local students and teachers alike. We believe that knowledge is power and that the greatest gift an individual can be given is education.
For just $399 per year you can get involved in making a difference.
For further information please contact our National Office
Lombok, indonesia
Australian teachers apply for a 6-month tenure to volunteer as an English teacher in a high school in Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia. The school, SMP7, is on the Southern Side of the Capital city and draws a large percentage of its students from rural farming families. Apex Australia through sponsorship from Apex Clubs, individuals and corporations cover the teachers’ airfares, medical insurance and basic living expenses. The teacher experiences life in the local community, learns the local language and culture, whilst teaching English in a school of approximately 1500 students and staff. The real benefit for the students is learning pronunciation from a native English speaker. For Indonesians, learning English opens up so many opportunities for employment, especially in tourism.
Interested in Sponsoring?
Whether you are an Apex Club, individual or business your contribution no matter how large or small will help. Below is a sponsorship commitment form. Please fill it out and send it back today. We will keep you updated via email as to the Bursary Scheme’s progression.
Interested in Volunteering?
If you have a teaching qualification, are looking for adventure and an opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture, this is a perfect way to make a real difference. Drop us an email with a short background of your career, your contact details and why you would like to be involved. We will get in contact shortly to discuss your options in more detail. Email: craig@martintransport.com.au
From an Apex Philippines Club Bursary Officer:
“The Apex bursary for me is primarily the gift of education to the students. My experiences handling the bursary of our club allowed me to work with students from high school up to college / University. It is really very fulfilling and satisfying to see the joy in the bursary scholars faces when they graduate. Education is something that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. Knowing that the Apex bursary had a part in helping the scholars reach their educational goals makes me very proud to be part of a great program – and it is one of the things that being an Apexian is all about.”
ERIC SANTOS, Apex club of Iloilo
From a bursary scholar:
"Whoever I have become today, I can definitely say that Apex has been a big part of it. I becamea scholar of the bursary program when I was in 2nd year high school. From then on, Apex has assisted me with my school fees until I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism. But more than the financial support that I am receiving yearly from Apex Club of Darlington Point, I am thankful as well of the fact that the club is more than just the bursary program, the socializations, the community outreach programs etc. Hence, Apex is a family to me. The people I have met in the club brought me into realizing my bigger role towards my community. I could still remember when I first met our then Bursary Director Apn. Sir Ian Willy Oates. That was the time he discussed the very meat
of the existence of the bursary program to me and my fellow local scholars. He had it illustrated as a way to pull out underprivileged but deserving scholars out of an impoverished community. That the club cannot do it in just a snap which is the very reason why it’s done gradually or from a batch of scholars to another. And that we are part of the process for which sooner or later, we could possibly be one of the local sponsors. And for me, I find it a beautiful cycle of replication which I am glad to take part with. And today, here I am flying my dreams, continuously persevering to reach my goals and looking forward to the day where I can finally extend help to our local scholars in any way I can."
JASON VINCENT B. CALDEO, Apex Scholar, 2007-2013
Member, Apex Club of Leganes
Philippines Bursary Program Reports
Philippines Bursary Audit 2018
Lombok Bursary Program Reports