New Members
Apex Clubs serve local communities in every state across Australia, while also contributing to making a difference to larger social issues through the Association of Apex Clubs.
Few organisations have a membership as wide, as diversified, as active as Apex.
The strength of the Association is in its diverse membership - men and women from many walks of life come together to learn meeting procedure, conduct fundraising activities and events in their local communities, enjoy combined social activity, and strive to ultimately build a better citizenship by getting behind causes that matter to local communities.
Members have the chance to engage in training activities at the Association's annual meetings and to learn more about Apex by visiting clubs within their region.
New Members Pack.
Inducting a New Member
Welcoming a new member into your Apex Club is a defining moment for any club, and a great memory for the person being inducted.
Accordingly, any new member induction should be treated with great respect. Always make sure that your Club properly organises the new members Badge and Kit.
This may be done by downloading the Guide to Inducting a New Member.
How to Join an Apex Club
Download and complete the Apex Membership form here.
To find out if there is an Apex Club in your local community, contact our National Office via email.
How to start an Apex Club
If there is no Apex Club in your community you might consider starting your own Club. Apex has a Guide to starting a New Club, which will point out everything that you might need to achieve in the lead up to starting a New Apex Club.
Over more than 83 years of Apex Clubs, there has seldom been a community that has missed out of the passion and devotion of an Apex Club.
This means that ressurecting your town's Club might be easier than you think. Having a community with past Apex members gives you a ready made network of advocates, ready to beat the Apex drum!